Our objective is:
Train students with skills that allow them to develop in a globalized world, with:
Knowledge of a second and third language (English and French).
In an environment of technological advances, with knowledge at a computational, mechanical, electronic and programming level.
And with the sensitivity of being part of a society in which awareness of a sustainable world is necessary, with ethical and citizen values.
Teaching is based on the development of Multiple Intelligences, which makes it easier for students to build meaningful learning.
Our teaching team is trained to train students with discipline and are highly committed to the acquisition of knowledge.
Cooperative learning
Self management
Social- responsibilty
It is the first step of our educational ladder, our goal at this level is to promote integral development.
Our educational proposal integrates learning in the bicultural field, satisfying the current demands of integral formation and values.
They initiate the process of total immersion in bicultural education, they learn to cover their needs individually.
Junior High
The objective is to train students with skills that allow them to develop in a globalized world, by acquiring and applying knowledge of a second and / or third language.
Interactive Learning
Students are able to use technology in a daily basis. Laptops, Ipads and tablets are used for different tasks.
Online learning platforms: